Tuesday, April 2, 2024

a retelling of the story of job from the bible, and more



it had felt like happiness

            maybe it was

and i thought that 

(truly i did)

that it was the promise of the lesson from job 

happiness exploding after sorrow


job, whom satan wanted to undo

satan who went to god after roaming the earth

and said you think job is so loyal don't you 

and god who was so sure of job's steadfast loyalty said

go ahead and try to get him to break


job, whose oxen and donkeys and sheep and camels were stolen

whose servants were slain

whose children were lost to fierce winds

whose body was ravaged by disease


job, little mortal plaything of the fallen angel of light

and of the almighty everlasting alpha and omega

a folly to prove unyielding faith,

given over to satan to torture but not kill,

whose wife said curse god and die

whose friends said you must have done something to deserve this


job, who said yet though he slay me will i trust in him 


job, who finally said what the actual fuck, god

what did i ever do to you 

come down here man to man and

give me an explanation


job, who was chastised for asking

job, who only knew what he knew and nothing more

job, whom god loved

job, who survived the trial


job, whom god blessed -- 

-- the latter half better than you could ever even wish for -- 

the reward after the hideous midpoint

            marked by all that destruction all that loss, all that sorrow

god blessed job with new animals, new servants, new children

job said yippee i can die a happy man







i cannot recall


the slant of the afternoon light when the veil was rent 


the rush back 

hurrying to retrieve 

the long sorrow, the deepening regret, the familiar grief


take up the mantle once more

wear it heavy as a yoke 





it is ok with me if

happiness is just an illusion

and all we ever have is this